Wednesday, September 23, 2009


My name is Angelica Rodriguez and I am an Oregon native. I am married with three children. I have two boys and one girl. My family is very important to me and they are my inspiration for continuing my education. I received my B.A. at Portland State University. I have worked for the Salem-Keizer School District for the past nine years. I was encouraged by my principal and co-workers to go back to school to become a teacher. I used to tell everyone that it was a good idea and would consider it. However, not until a couple of years ago I decided to get serious and finish my degree. I graduated this past June and was the first in my family to do so. I never thought I would do it much less get into a master's program. Now I look forward to the next couple of years at Willamette and expect to leave prepared to begin my adventure in my very own classroom.